jared's being bad blog


Monday 7 May 2007



Are politicians bad? I think it would be a little harsh to generalise to the extent that we say all politicians are bad but in this blog I will highlight a significant amount of high profile political leaders who have misused the trust placed in them.

Geoffrey Archer lied under oath and it was revealed that he gained his position of power and influence by false credentials. Several of the current labour party MP’s were involved in the recent cash for honours scandal, the Prime Minister himself was even questioned by police.
More worryingly we can also look at Saddam Hussein, recently executed for crimes against humanity including genocide and torturing political opponents.

There is also Slobodan Milosevic who died in jail after being found guilty of ordering the genocide of Serbs and Muslims.

There is President Robert Mugabe of Zimbabwe who is known to be stealing international aid for himself and his party, holding extreme anti-white policies which includes stealing any farms owned by white people using deadly violence and of course oppresses any views or opinions different to his own.

I’m not trying to say that all politicians are bad but by highlighting these recent scandals and atrocities it seems that when placed in a position of extreme power many politicians abuse it.

this ia a website about world politics... http://www.iwp.edu/

Wednesday 2 May 2007

Drug Abuse

Drug Abuse

Heroine, cocaine and marijuana are drugs that are familiar to us all, much has been said about there mind altering and addictive properties and the dangers attached to using them illegally. One of the biggest problems with these types of drugs is that they are so addictive that people will do almost anything to get their next hit. Stealing is often a problem associated with drug abuse, violence and mood swings also take affect after the initial high when the user is experiencing that inevitable low.

I wonder what class of drug nicotine would be if it were discovered today, it has been found to be even more addictive then heroine! I’m not a smoker but I know plenty of people that are and out of all the people that I know who are smokers nearly all of them are trying to quit and have been for a long time, it is obviously extremely difficult to give something up that is so addictive, you can see the stress that it causes.

Drug abuse is dangerous and takes the lives of hundreds a year in the UK alone (not including those affected by nicotine). People do it because they like the way they feel while they are on the high but sooner or later these drugs will become more and more addictive and you will require more and more of the drug to satisfy the craving until it just gets out of hand. I think that children need to be made aware of the problem from quite an early age and be encouraged to make the right decision before they are given an opportunity to try a dangerous drug, including, in my opinion, cigarettes.

This is a website with information about harmful drugs… http://www.drugfree.org/

Tuesday 1 May 2007



Swearing is only considered ‘bad’ when with certain company. I was on the bus the other day and there were these two teenage girls using quite colourful language at the back of the bus, someone in front of me who had a couple of younger children with him asked them to mind there language in front of his children, the girls told him to f-off. The ironic thing was that the man who asked the girls to mind there language then muttered under his breath ‘f-ing hell!’ I found it quite amusing.

Obviously swearing in front of people who you don’t know like on a bus or in a public place is not very considerate and as swear words are used to cause offence they almost certainly will if you are swearing in front of people you don’t know. When in the company of friends there is a little more room for colourful language as they are familiar with the way you speak and are therefore less likely to be offended by a bad word.

A lot has been said about rap music and its influence on the young as many of the lyrics from this genre of music incorporate swear words. When swear words are used liberally on an album it will now come with a parental advisory sticker on it, which really moves the onus away from the music or the artist and onto the parents who ultimately decide whether their child can listen to the music at a young age or not.

this is a bbc page that looks into the origins of the Brittish swear words... http://www.bbc.co.uk/dna/h2g2/A753527

Monday 30 April 2007



Is gambling 'being bad'? Is it dangerous, is it usually worth the risk? From the lecture there were two things that became evident, first of all, nearly everyone has gambled recently and second nearly everyone who has gambled recently has lost recently. If we were to calculate all of the losses against the winnings that were handed in to the lecturer, then it seems that unfortunately the bookie would be the substantial winner. The thing that entices people to gambling must be the thought of winning big.

I also noticed that some gambling relies less on chance then others. Take my mate Greg, bit of a class act when it comes to betting on sport and he reckons that overall he has the edge over the bookie. I think the reason is that he knows alot about what he bets on which increases his chances of winning.

The danger comes when people begin to bet beyond there means, there has been much said of the addictive properties of gambling, for some it has the power to ruin lives for others it is just a bit of fun, like any other sociable pursuit.

This web page is for an article discussing the new gambling laws in the UK, http://news.bbc.co.uk/1/hi/uk_politics/3754960.stm

Wednesday 25 April 2007

The Environment

The Environment

The world’s climate is changing and let’s face it, we are probably to blame and we could probably stop it if we all worked together. Global warming is becoming more and more of a problem as the ice caps melt so far away. Temperatures are rising each year and even in my life time I can notice a huge difference just in the amount of snow we get at winter nowadays, compared with how much I remember playing with as a child. Maybe we see the warmer temperatures here in the UK as a blessing; we were never too fond of the cold anyway! This optimistic attitude is however, a little short sighted. It seems that right now everyone is happy just to pass the book; it is always somebody else’s problem.

I think that the problem can be addressed first at a local level, are we recycling, do we drop litter, are we careful with our emissions, do we car pool? These are some simple questions that we can ask ourselves that would help improve our immediate environment, I think that it would take a concerned world wide effort to make any kind of global change.
This website has a comprehensive links page and gives plenty of infomation about global environmental issues... http://www.globalissues.org/EnvIssues/

Tuesday 24 April 2007



We’ve all heard it said, ‘fighting doesn’t solve anything’, it’s bad, really bad. From the school playground to the crusades to Vietnam to Iraq, people question whether fighting or war was the answer to resolve the conflict. I am going to make perhaps a controversial point now and say that I think that sometimes war is the answer, and unfortunately the only answer.

I draw your attention to World War One and World War Two, the genocide of millions of Jews, blacks, homosexuals and anyone else who didn’t quite match up to the Arian race stereotype as laid out by Adolf Hitler. I feel that some things in life are worth fighting for; the protection of freedom is one of those things.

I once came across a man who fought in the Second World War called Robert Dally he told me some stories of what he had seen, he was shot and captured and spent some time towards the end of the war in Auschwitz, he had tears in his eyes as he told me about what he had seen and experienced in war, I had never fully grasped or appreciated what those men and women had went through for me. They fought for a righteous cause and in the end their sacrifice was worthwhile as it preserved those essential freedoms that would otherwise have been lost. Those who were brave enough to fight in this cause should be held as heroes.
This is a website that shows the facts of World War Two, including information about the holocaust... http://www.world-war-2.info/facts/

Monday 23 April 2007

Bad Comedians

Bad Comedians

Foul and crude language, indecent exposure, discussion of every taboo subject possible in the allotted time and anything else close to the bone that tends to make us snigger when no one is watching seems to be the order of the day when a comedian takes to the stage and when I say ‘stage’ I don’t just mean in front of a paying crowd as any class clown is the same, pushing the boundaries a little further each laugh.

I love to laugh, I think we all do, there is nothing like rolling around in blissful agony as your sides split with laughter and your jaw aches every time you move your head because something has really pressed your funny button, isn’t it strange though that sometimes you will find something hilarious while others barely raise a smile or are offended at the content of the joke.

Personally I wish that there wasn’t so much swearing in comedy, or really dirty jokes, I find it much harder to laugh at things with that sort of content, but I love satirical and slapstick comedy which I know others will not find to there taste either. It seems that comedy comes down to an individual taste, affected by probably a whole series of different factors of our lives, we kind of create an invisible line in our heads and when people cross that line we make our stand and refuse to be drawn in to the humour of whatever the comedian is saying or doing. A comedian is at his or her best when they come right up to that line as far as they can without stepping over it and causing insult, offence or discomfort, which will have a negative affect on our overall enjoyment of comedy.
This is a link to what I think is the funniest T.V programme on the planet, 'The Simpsons'! You can explore Springfield and discover more about the characters ... http://www.thesimpsons.com/index.html

Sunday 22 April 2007



You don’t have to be too old to remember the dark old days of English football, the seventies and eighties were plagued with crowd trouble and violence from English football hooligans both domestically and abroad, placing an indelible mark on the game in England.

It seems that there has been a clear change in the attitude of English support in recent years; we could look at a number of reasons for the apparent change, including the exclusion of offenders from attending games and the introduction of laws to keep them in the country when games are played abroad.

More interestingly I will focus on an aspect perhaps less obvious but in my opinion equally as effective. In the 1989 F.A Cup semi final between Liverpool and Nottingham Forest one of the biggest sporting disasters on record occurred, the Hillsborough disaster claimed the lives of 96 people who were crushed to death against giant steel cages put in place to prevent hooligans invading the pitch. Since that day there followed what has become known as ‘the Taylor report’ which set in place measures to adapt the current stadiums in the UK to prevent a disaster like this ever occurring again.

The ironic thing is that the disaster that day was not caused by hooligans but by policing mistakes, however the changes that it forced to come upon the stadiums in my opinion helped to curb the problem of hooliganism which had been prevalent in the years before.

It seems that when people are treated like animals they are more prone to act like them. When the cages were taken down from the grounds, there was a new calm among the supporters that was not there before. Now the UK is the envy of many of its European counterparts who still cage there supporters and experience much higher levels of Hooliganism. After hosting many international sporting events since then England is now regaining its place as a friendly yet passionate sporting country.

This webpage is all about the Taylor report and what it was that changed with it… http://www.footballnetwork.org/dev/communityfootball/violence_taylor_report.asp

Thursday 19 April 2007

Bad Cinema

Bad Cinema

Unfortunately, or fortunately as the case may be I missed the showing of the film 'kids' for this lecture but after discovering the theme and content of the film, i was quite shocked that it was ever shown at all. Apparently there were scenes showing the rape of underage children, this is disgusting and dangerous and I don't think I could have stayed to watch such a scene had I been there. Obviously the fact that I didn't see the film means that my opinion on it is pretty much uninformed except the things that I have heard about it. Instead of commenting any further on this film in particular I will give my view on bad cinema more generally.

Scenes showing bad behaviour are often crucial to the plot of the film such as swearing and violence and in my opinion the ratings system reflects this pretty well, if a film is rated 18 you know what to expect. I think that a film is just as much a work of creation as a novel is, if not more so because it communicates to the viewer on more levels. Some cinema can be offensive, some more so then others but ultimately if a viewer has an objection to a film they simply would not go and see it. Cinema acts the same way as a good book, it offers a release from our daily lives and presents another world for us to imagine. If something is bad and you don't like it, then don't watch it. With this said, freedom of speech and expression is very powerful and measures should be taken to ensure that films are safe for public viewing, greatly offensive work should never be shown, those encouraging racial hatred, or glorifying law breaking, such as rape and peadophillia should never be seen.

This website is for the BBFC, the British Board of Film Classification and it explains how films are rated here in the UK... http://www.bbfc.co.uk/

Wednesday 18 April 2007

Being Too Religious

Being Too Religious

I find it very difficult to see how someone can be classed as too religious, this does not make sense to me. The only possible exception I can see would be when extremists use religion as an excuse for violence or oppression of any kind, however I do not see this as religious as it goes against any religious teachings of which I am aware. From the lecture it seemed that many people thought going from door to door to share your believed message of hope and peace was ‘too religious’, why? The Jehovah’s Witnesses came round my street two days ago, I wasn’t interested in their message so I politely thanked them for calling and wished them all the best, it wasn’t difficult and it took less then one minute, surely if you really believe in something that can give people eternal life you would want to share it and if it were true we would be grateful.

The best experiences of my life came while I was serving as a missionary for my church (known as the Mormons) for two years in Scotland. We knocked on a lot of doors and spoke to a lot of people, if someone wasn’t interested we would move on because eventually we knew that we would find people who needed the gospel, or just needed help with anything, that makes it worthwhile, through sharing the gospel, we were able to help people with so many different problems, like dealing with deaths and tragedies, giving up drugs, strengthening families, service for less able people and restoring faith in God. People who have the desire to share something that they believe is precious with others regardless of what religion they are should not be regarded as too religious but instead they should be given encouragement and support to continue there invaluable work in our communities.

I know my views on this subject are pretty strong but I guess it comes from knowing that if I didn’t knock on the doors I did in Scotland, I would never have been able to help so many people.

This is a website for information about my church, there is loads of information about missionaries and preaching the gospel, it even has a facility that allows you to talk live to members of the church.… http://www.mormon.org/welcome/0,6929,403-1,00.html
This is the reply I posted to http://peculierpeople.blogspot.com/


The book of Mormon is quite interesting, it's how we came to be called mormons. It is the writings of many prophets from the ancient America's from 600BC to 400AD when they were compiled by a prophet historian called Mormon. It teaches about Christ and his teachings, just as the old and new testament do, it is another testament of Jesus Christ. It was translated into English by a young man called Joseph Smith whom God visited in a vision and called to be a prophet in our day.
Thats a brief summary anyway, hope it answers your question.
You raise a lot of interesting and important points, particularly when you said "Todays laws seem to be trying to get rid of religion". I can understand laws changing so that they no longer conform to only one religion as we live in a society which must embrace all religions but i hope that the law will never take away the morals and principles that religion teaches as they are timeless.

25 April 2007 03:21

Tuesday 17 April 2007

Body Modification

Body Modification

In this lecture we looked at some of the history behind body modification. The term body modification is pretty broad, ranging from simply applying make up or colouring and changing hair styles to adding piercings and tattoos. From the lecture I gained an appreciation for tatooing as an ancient art form, although I found the extremes of body modification quite distasteful. It seems that in general we are not shocked by the odd tattoo or piercing but when either are found throughout the body excessively it becomes more of a taboo. I guess the 'being bad' issue here is whether it is wrong to modify our bodies. I have found two responses, the first being that your body is your own, you can choose to modify it however you want, just like you would with your bedroom, who cares if it's not everyone's taste, it's your body, not theirs. The second response is that your body is a gift from God and should be treated with respect and not defaced with modifications but treated like a Temple.

this is a great website, which boasts the worlds largest collection of tattoo pattern images... http://www.tattoofinder.com/

Monday 16 April 2007

Bandits and Outlaws

Bandits and Outlaws

I found this lecture particularly interesting, to be honest, I have never really thought too hard about our so called ‘heroes’ being nothing more then common criminals and villains but upon reflection it is pretty obvious that the likes of Robin Hood and Jesse James are in actual fact criminals, condemned by the law. Why then do we have this love for them, why have characters like these become popular all over the world and there crimes accepted by the masses? After giving the subject much thought I have came to a somewhat unsteady conclusion. It seems that we, as people like to (in the words of Jack Black) ‘stick it to da man’. It seems that we enjoy anarchy, but only if certain rules or justifications apply, I think it is important to see what type of bandit and outlaw society finds acceptable because in reality it is only a rare few who find this acceptance in our eyes. Society seems to accept the ‘honest criminal’. Even in the Old Testament of the Bible it says ‘an eye for an eye and a tooth for a tooth’ or in other words a crime justified as recompense for a previous crime. The story of many bandits can take root in this moral high ground. As well as this, our bandit come hero is almost always fighting against the establishment in some way and represents the lower and working classes. We relate to his struggle and take comfort in his successes even if it doesn’t directly ease our own personal burdens because we see him as ‘one of us’.
This is a very interesting website and the great thing about it is that you can actually see whether you have had any famous bandits or outlaws in your own ancestry!! fingers crossed!... http://www.blacksheepancestors.com/uk/blacksheep.shtml

Thursday 12 April 2007


This is a list of all the comments i have made on the first few blogs.

"Peep Show: Stalking"

JARED LINEKAR said... to http://richards87.blogspot.com/

Yeah you're right there mate, the peep show sketch is funny but in real life what he did was a criminal offence and he could easily have got the sack from work and had to face legal action too! When an obsession for anything leads you to break the law we must assume it has gone too far. Morally, stalking is insensitive and selfish and so a good indication that a concerned interest has turned into stalking might be that there interest leads them to abandon moral principles such as sensitivity in order to get what they want, whether that is hacking emails or following someone home.
22 February 2007 16:40


JARED LINEKAR said... to http://flashlagordon.blogspot.com/

I feel the same way about this topic, prostitution is a terrible thing to do, i think that it shows a total lack of respect for all involved and nothing could jusify selling your body for sex.In relation to the film, it didnt seem to me that it was ever in the mind of Tiffany to sell her body for sex and so I don't think she was a prostitute, however the man that gave her the money may well have hoped for sex in return even though this was never verbalised and so i would say that he fits more closely to the term prostitute as he was the only one willing to put a price on sex.
23 February 2007 17:40


JARED LINEKAR said... to http://invincibles49.blogspot.com/

Wow, I've never shoplifted before so this really helped me in forming my opinion on the subject due to your personal experience. So it seems that the main draw, at least at first was the rush of knowing that what you were doing was wrong. Thats funny because many other people could say that is exactly why they DON'T shoplift! Do you think that shoplifting would still be as adictive if someone's first attempt was not successful as your turning point was when you were caught?
26 February 2007 00:03

"Put that in your pipe and smoke it!" (SMOKING)

JARED LINEKAR said... to http://sicilianfairy.blogspot.com/

I think you're right about people who smoke in front of their children or even people who smoke on buses for that matter, to impose such a harmful substance on people when they did not want it seems extremely careless and selfish. Most of the friends I remember from school who started smoking started for the same reason as your brother, I think the main reason that smoking is seen as cool is down to the media, especially film, but also parents, basically children will always try to emulate those they love and try to mirror their role models, that's why celebrities get paid so much for advertising.
26 February 2007 17:09

"Ploughing The Ladygarden... " (MASTERBATION)

JARED LINEKAR said... to http://carlysblog-theclog.blogspot.com/

Cracking post, you have a strong point of view. I'm just going to comment on the penultimate paragraph about the religious perspective as that's where my point of view stems from. What you said sounds right to me, surely to masturbate you must have 'sinful' thoughts or lustful thoughts of someone else, this is the moral stand point of those who think it is wrong as the bible teaches that lust is wrong and we should keep our thoughts clean.
27 February 2007 15:17


JARED LINEKAR said... to http://invincibles49.blogspot.com/

wow, I love your blog, Ashley cole is a sell-out to be fair, a good example of betrayal!I agree with what you said at the start, there are many forms of cheating and I guess that even having feelings for someone else can be cheating, also looking at pornography for that matter must be cheating too. I really think that if a couple loved each other they would be able to communicate to each other well enough to prevent infidelity.
14 March 2007 22:21

Wednesday 14 March 2007



I think that nearly everyone will know someone who has either been cheated on or been cheating on their partner. I think that many will know first hand the pain that it can cause. What are the reasons for unfaithfulness? Is there ever a valid excuse?

I guess the first thing to look at would be to decide what unfaithfulness is, what is infidelity? Some would argue that you aren’t cheating until you have slept with someone else, the ultimate act of infidelity; representing the complete betrayal of the person you’re with and so usually irreconcilable… if detected.

I think that the unfaithfulness comes much before this final betrayal, whether it comes from the first kiss or even just from flirting I think it’s our feelings and our intentions that let us know if we are being unfaithful.

The lecture prompted much discussion on the subject of infidelity, where I was sitting we talked about the reasons for infidelity, we discussed boredom, physical attraction and the failure to communicate with your partner. I think that if communication was improved between couples then infidelity would be greatly decreased. If a relationship gets to the point that you don’t want to be with your partner intimately any more then surely that should be discussed with them before you look else where to replace that intimacy.

The media surround us with stories of infidelity, whether it’s in the latest soap opera or the latest celebrity scandal on the front pages of the tabloids. We are faced with infidelity on a daily basis but does this raise awareness of the pain infidelity causes or does it merely desensitise and glamorise being with more then one person at a time? It’s hard to say as we can all interpret things so differently, one thing it does do is show us examples of the excuses others use to be unfaithful.

I don’t believe that there is ever a valid excuse for infidelity whether it is revenge, boredom or simply a strong attraction to someone else, an excuse is merely a justification, all the excuses can be resolved through discussion with the partner, leading to either a break-up or a stronger relationship, either way avoiding infidelity.

Besides, a wise man once told me “justification is like masturbation, the only person you screw is yourself”!

This is a great web page that gives loads of information about infidelity and how to deal with and detect a cheating partner, very interesting: http://www.infidelityfacts.com/
I have posted a comment about infidelity here: http://invincibles49.blogspot.com/

Tuesday 27 February 2007

Week Four Lecture: Masturbation

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Monday 26 February 2007



Tobacco related illness currently kills 3.5 million people a year around the world, it is forecast that by 2020 that figure will have risen to 10 million deaths a year yet there are over a billion people who smoke, the question is, why start?

From Einstein to Churchill and from James Dean to Britney Spears many of the icons of the 21st century have been smokers, this has elevated the status of the cigarette to something that is fashionable. However from my experience it seems that every smoker is trying to quit except those that are very young. One of the main draws for the early starters seems to be that smoking is associated with maturity. In an attempt to feel and appear older, lots of children start from a very early age.

There are of course other factors which can lead someone into smoking, the example of parents is a big factor, the chances of a child smoking are greatly increased if one or both of there parents smoke.

For some, smoking may be seen as an act of defiance, a statement against authority, with parents, teachers and doctors all encouraging against smoking, or perhaps it is something as simple as curiosity which prompts the first drag.

When I was at school I remember having lessons about ‘not giving in to peer pressure’ and although I never felt pressured by my friends to smoke I am sure that this will be a factor for some.

To take the emphasis away from children, I think that those who start when they are older, fully understanding the risks and consequences involved will start in an attempt to relieve stress levels in there lives.

There really are many reasons to begin smoking, the thing is that once you start it will not be long before it is extremely difficult to stop. A cigarette is an addictive and harmful drug which affects not only the user but also all those that they come into contact with while smoking. The medical facts make difficult reading for smokers but even with these hard-hitting facts being more widely circulated and available through various government supported advertising campaigns, it doesn’t seem like the smoking culture has an end.

This link is to the BBC news website and offers information on the latest government campaign to stop smoking which is currently called ‘get unhooked’ http://news.bbc.co.uk/1/hi/health/1238854.stm

I made a comment about smoking on this blog: http://sicilianfairy.blogspot.com/

Sunday 25 February 2007

Family Guy:Shoplifting

Family Guy: Shoplifting
'Breaking Out Is Hard To Do', Family Guy, 2005, Fox

Is shoplifting different to any other kind of theft?

Why do people who can afford things choose to shoplift?

Shoplifting can be an attractive pursuit for a many people; there is an obvious benefit, in that you may gain something for nothing but perhaps even more persuasive is the thrill and excitement that it generates to knowingly break the law at such high risk.

Shoplifting is different to the many other forms of theft, considered by many as a mere ‘petty crime’ it does seem a far cry from an armed robbery of a bank or the blackmailing of a wealthy businessman by kidnapping his children or even assaulting an old lady for her pension money. It seems much less threatening then the other examples and perhaps there is less guilt attached when stealing from a large company which we assume doesn’t really need the money from the item anyway, a fight against the establishment maybe.

People who shoplift when they can afford not to may be lured primarily by the excitement of the act and also the added comfort of knowing that the punishment for being caught will not be too severe. Maybe as in the family guy clip they are motivated by greed as well as excitement.

Theft is a dishonest practice but like gambling can be quite addictive for those who start and do have success because they are blinded by some early, usually short lived benefits, being the thrill and the satisfaction of accomplishment as well as gaining that ‘something for nothing’ but they will eventually become more ambitious in what they steal and this is where the risks become higher as the crime becomes more serious.

It is unfair and selfish to knowingly steal an item where everyone else must pay the full price. For me, shoplifting is still not worth the risk, if people seek excitement there are countless law abiding ways to do so, but maybe this is the attraction, the fact that it’s bad and they know it.

This website has a great article about shoplifting http://www.lipmagazine.org/articles/featsharrock_shoplifting.shtml

I made a comment about shoplifting here: http://invincibles49.blogspot.com/ it contains a very insightfull personal experince that i found usefull when developing my thoughts.

Thursday 22 February 2007

Peep Show: Stalking

When does a concerned interest in someone’s activities become stalking?
Are some kinds of observance allowable and appropriate? Which ones aren’t?

To stalk is, ‘the action, practice, or crime of harassing or persecuting a person with unwanted, obsessive, and usually threatening attention over an extended period of time.’ (OED online).
The clip from peep show features a man constantly attempting to hack into the email account of a female co-worker in order to gather information so that he can more comfortably flirt with her, although set in a light hearted comic situation it does raise questions over appropriate contact with others.
I think that an allowable observance is any observance that both people are comfortable with and are aware of.
A concerned interest in someone’s activities that leads to criminal activity however threatening such as breech of privacy, which is the case in peep show can be considered as stalking.
I think that any information gathered through accepted interaction with others is allowable concerned interest and the basis of a healthy relationship. If the gathering of this information becomes uncomfortable for the other person then a degree of caution and sensitivity must be taken, to continue interaction with someone who does not want to communicate with you could eventually become harassment.
When communication becomes one sided or in other words does not involve either positive communication with or positive body language from the other person, then at least on some small level, this could be considered stalking as it is hard to define how long an ‘extended period of time’ is.
This is a usefull link, although the aim of the page is to offer advice to those being stalked it does give us more of an insight into the dark world of stalking and helps underline it as a very real problem in normal society and not just in the celebrity world. It also has some other interesting links too. http://www.bbc.co.uk/crime/support/stalking.shtml
This is a great weblog, I posted a comment about stalking here....http://richards87.blogspot.com/

Thursday 15 February 2007

being bad field trip

I was thinking that we should all go to a footy match together, gambling, crude language, drinking, smoking etc, its got it all, theres loads of local teams to choose from too. Local rivalries tend to bring the best out of people from the terraces too! (just kidding). It would be awesome.
This is a website for the best local team... http://www.blues.premiumtv.co.uk/page/Home/0,,10412,00.html enjoy!